Ron Miller Commentary: Upcoming Conference Promotes “Climate Change Economy”

The Vermont Council on Rural Development is holding a major statewide conference, “Creating Prosperity & Opportunity Confronting Climate Change,” in Randolph on February 18. The gathering will launch VCRD’s new Climate Change Economy initiative, which aims to stimulate the growth of small businesses that can prosper by addressing various aspects of the climate change scenario.…

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Vermont Climate Economy Initiative

From Green Energy Times: The Vermont Council on Rural Development (VCRD) is kicking off its new Climate Change Economy Initiative with the Summit on Creating Prosperity and Opportunity Confronting Climate Change on February 18 at VermontTechnicalCollege in Randolph. The summit will serve as a founding point for the Vermont Climate Change Economy Council (VCCEC).…

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Vermont’s Digital Stories – Final Report of VCRD’s Vermont Digital Economy Project

VCRD launched the Vermont Digital Economy Project to offer free support to speed flood recovery, spur economic development and job growth, and improve community resilience to disasters. The project worked directly with Vermont towns affected by 2011’s floods to help businesses, nonprofits and municipalities expand their use of online tools. Together with project partners, we…

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