Montgomery Thrives Community Visit Report – January 2019

We completed our 3-month Community Visit process in Montgomery. Community members identified 3 priority areas for future action: Improve Village and Center Traffic Flow and Pedestrian Safety Develop Community Wastewater Infrastructure Improve Cell and Broadband Infrastructure Read the Report and Action Plan. Montgomery Selectboard chair, Charlie Hancock, shares his reflections on the process:

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Grange Hall to reclaim role in Guilford activities

By Bob Audette, as seen in the Brattleboro Reformer:,559930 GUILFORD — In 2013, the Vermont Council on Rural Development visited Guilford to facilitate a community discussion. During that process, the renovation of the building belonging to the Broad Brook Grange was identified as a top priority. “The Guilford Grange building is an irreplaceable community…

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The Lamberts ‘Building on good things’

VCRD awarded Hank and Molly Lambert its “Community Leadership Lifetime Achievement Award” in September 2018. Together, they are a force for good in their community and in Vermont. Thanks to Hank and Molly for all they do! —————- By TOM BENTON, as seen in the St. Albans Messenger: SWANTON — The Vermont Council on…

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