A way for towns to engage and bring together their residents, set common goals and directions in a neutral and facilitated structure, and access resources that will help them take action on those goals.
A year ago, Rockingham launched three citizen task forces eager to complete “actionable goals” by tackling areas of need identified by a process brought to town by the Vermont Council on Rural Development.
After being delayed for a year by the pandemic, the town is set to hold a pair of community-wide forums to figure out what its priorities are and how to get them done.
Restoring downtown buildings was identified as a top priority during last year’s Rockingham community visit, led by the Vermont Council on Rural Development (VCRD).
Strike up a conversation with the locals at one of the general stores in West Burke and you’re bound to hear a little history of the village in its heyday.
The Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC) has awarded a Small Grant for Smart Growth to the Town of Rockingham to promote small-scale development in the village of Bellows Falls.
The Manchester Riverwalk Association has received a $2,500 grant that will help the group build a bridge over the West Branch of the Battenkill River, as part of its plans for a path connecting Factory Point Town Green and downtown Manchester Center.
The COVID-19 pandemic took us all by surprise. When the public health crisis hit in early March 2020, community leaders stepped up throughout Vermont to build local response and mutual aid groups to address local needs. In that chaotic time these groups needed a backbone organization to provide support, build connections, and foster the sharing…
Are you looking for ways to connect your community and build unity during these challenging times? Are you hoping to build engagement and set priorities for community initiatives or projects? Current restrictions on public gatherings create a barrier to public engagement and participation, but community work, whether focused around Covid response and recovery or other…
Despite the pandemic slowing the world down, the Pittsford Village Farm has been plugging away on its redevelopment over the summer. All it needs now is about $1.4 million.