Policy Councils provide forums for in-depth study and concrete policy recommendations around issues of importance to rural Vermont.

Vermont Rural Energy Council (2006-2007)

The Vermont Rural Energy Council (VREC) was a 2-year project (2006-2007) developed by VCRD to provide a non-partisan analysis of opportunities in rural electric generation, fuel development and energy efficiency in Vermont. VREC’s review of economic opportunities included three main inputs: from leaders in the field, from fact-based research on the status of this economic…

Creative Communities Report

Creative Communities Reports – 2008

A final report for the Creative Communities Program was presented back to each of the 12 participating communities. These summarized the public meetings and brainstorming sessions, captured the direction each community pursued, and listed specific resources for their priority projects. Read the Creative Communities Final Report       Town-Specific Reports: Read an overview of…

Council on the Future of Vermont Community Forum Notes

From 2007 to 2008 the Council on the Future of Vermont traveled around the state holding public forums and met with farmers, nurses, students, veterans, seniors, businesspeople, advocates, low income and working Vermonters. These meetings were in both large public forums and smaller focus groups. One public forum was held in every county and over…

Strengthening Vermont’s Energy Economy – 2007

The Vermont Rural Energy Council (VREC) was developed by the Vermont Council on Rural Development (VCRD) to provide a non-partisan analysis of opportunities in rural electric generation, fuel development, and energy efficiency in Vermont. Based on inputs and on the knowledge and experience of Council members, the Vermont Rural Energy Council crafted a set of…

Vermont by Design 2004 Report

Vermont By Design – 2006

Based on the inputs and the knowledge and experience of Council members, the Vermont Rural Energy Council crafted a set of recommendations for actions that would advance rural energy generation, fuel development, and efficiency in Vermont. These recommendations include: Systematically Advancing a Vermont Renewable Energy Program Expanding Net Metering Adopting Clean Energy Policies Constructing an…

Advance Vermonts Creative Economy

Advancing Vermont’s Creative Economy – 2004

The creative economy is critical to the future competitiveness of Vermont in the global marketplace. Vermont’s heritage, arts and culture are integral strengths. They are an economic sector in Vermont today; they also provide a foundation to the sense of place and creative workforce critical to innovation in other sectors, add value to the Vermont…

Vermont Agriculture Viability Council Report 2003

Vermont Agriculture Viability Council Final Report – 2003

In November 2001, the Vermont Council on Rural Development (VCRD) established the Vermont Agriculture Viability Council (VAVC). VCRD’s goal was to develop a “strategic plan” that would further the continuing evolution of Vermont’s vital dairy industry and foster the continuing growth of Vermont’s “diversified” agricultural enterprises. Read the “Vermont Agriculture Viability Council” Final Report.