Vermont’s Forest Economy: Advancing Creativity and Entrepreneurship in Value-Added Forest Products

Produced by the Windham Foundation and facilitated by VCRD. On August 14 and 15, 2013, a few dozen leaders in the forest products sector of Vermont gathered at the Grafton Inn for a Windham Foundation Conference entitled Vermont’s Forest Economy: Advancing Creativity and Entrepreneurship in Value-Added Forest Products. The participants of this conference brought together…

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Final Report: NEK Today and Tomorrow: a Northeast Kingdom Summit Conference on Managing Change for the Best Future of the NEK – 2013

The NEK Today and Tomorrow Summit was designed by the Northeast Vermont Development Association and Vermont Council on Rural Development to build action to advance the health and prosperity of NEK communities while maintaining their character and protecting the working landscape that surrounds them. With the positive economic growth in the northern tier of the…

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Manchester CV Report

Manchester Community Visit Report – 2013

We completed our 3-month Community Visit process in Manchester. Community members identified 4 priority areas for future action: Develop a Small Business Incubator Become a Biking Center and Destination Attract Higher Education Opportunities Redevelop the Riverside and Open a Riverwalk Read the Report and Action Plan To learn more about Manchester, read the 2014 Manchester…

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