Task Force Co-Chairs: Richard Baker (Marshfield) and Jamie Spector (Plainfield)

Task Force description:
Downtown Marshfield and downtown Plainfield are key hubs of economic, social, and cultural activity. The health and vitality of both communities depends in part on the vibrancy of these two places. Route 2 also plays a critical role in defining both communities, bringing many visitors and lots of fast-moving traffic.  This task force will come together to develop and implement a plan to ensure the long term health of the two community hubs. This task force will also work with Vermont’s Department of Transportation and other partners to improve the route 2 corridor with a focus on the well-being and livability of both communities and village centers.

Task Force Update:
This task force has been meeting regularly and has divided work into three core areas:

  • Addressing the Route 2 corridor (with sub-groups focused on each village center)
  • Addressing under-utilized residential and commercial properties in each town (with sub-groups focused on each town)
  • Building a list of the community assets in Marshfield and Plainfield with the eventual goal of marketing the community to visitors and new residents

Prompted by the work of this task force, the Marshfield Selectboard has endorsed a list of priorities for improvements to Route 2 in the village center. Those priorities have been shared with VTrans as it begins to plan for a major re-paving of Route 2 in 2022/2023. Read that list of suggested improvements here.

There will be a meeting focused on Plainfield’s priorities for work related to Route 2, under-utilized buildings, and other opportunities on December 3 at 6:00 PM in the Plainfield Community Center above the Coop. Those who have been participating in this task force and anyone else wanting to be involved is welcome and encouraged to attend.

The group working to build a list of community assets is currently recruiting volunteers as they work to drive this priority forward.  Please e-mail task force co-chair Rich Baker to get involved. baker_rt (at) hotmail.com