The Future of Vermont Action Team is working to optimize the best of Vermont at mid-century for our economy, environment, communities, and people.

Since February 2022, the Future of Vermont Action Team has met with experts and leaders in Proposition arenas to determine actionable priorities that would help to advance Proposition elements, fill gaps in leadership or resources, and ultimately contribute to a thriving economy, communities, and State in the years ahead. With input from leaders and experts, the Action Team has identified 3 action priorities for the year ahead.

  1. The Vermont Youth Opportunity Initiative to bring together youth, community, and expert voices from across the state to identify strategies to advance youth opportunity, engagement, and aspiration

  2. The Proposition Scorecard to track progress, success, and areas of focus for each Proposition element.

  3. Convening experts, farmers, and foresters to explore models to compensate for land practices that help to reduce carbon emissions and protect soil quality over time.

To learn more about the Vermont Proposition and its work, visit