VCRD is facilitating a non-partisan and broad-based partnership to support local agriculture and forestry, grow and attract farm and forest entrepreneurs, and conserve Vermont’s Working Landscape far into the future. Join the Partnership to add your voice, keep informed, and help shape the campaign for Vermont’s Working Landscape.

Working Lands in Action

Vermont Working Lands Initative Working Landscape Partnership Working Lands Coalition Take a Tour of Vermont’s Working Lands Working Lands in Action VCRD is actively working to promote the growth of the WLEF fund through the Working Lands Coalition, which was convened to support continued public funding for farm and forest enterprises, with a goal of…

Take a Tour of Vermont’s Working Lands

Vermont Working Lands Initative Working Landscape Partnership Working Lands Coalition Take a Tour of Vermont’s Working Lands Working Lands in Action Take a Tour of Vermont’s Working Lands Start your tour of Vermont’s rural renaissance with this video of a few of the 2013 Working Lands Enterprise Fund grant awardees sharing their stories and vision.…

Working Lands Coalition

Vermont Working Lands Initative Working Landscape Partnership Working Lands Coalition Take a Tour of Vermont’s Working Lands Working Lands in Action The Vermont Working Lands Coalition members are united in support of the farm, forest, and value-adding businesses that are at the foundation of the working landscape that benefits all Vermonters. The Coalition represents the…

Vermont Proposition

Vermont Proposition Current Initiatives The Vermont Proposition is a set of transformational goals designed to optimize the best of Vermont at mid-century — for our economy, environment, communities, and people. It proposes bold action for progress today and well into the future. For over 20 years, VCRD has been helping communities across the state to…

Working Landscape Partnership

Vermont Working Lands Initative Working Landscape Partnership Working Lands Coalition Take a Tour of Vermont’s Working Lands Working Lands in Action Vermonters and visitors value our working landscape for all its scenic, cultural, economic, environmental, and recreational benefits. However, if alarming trends are not reversed it will vanish within a generation. So will Vermont’s distinctiveness,…

Vermont Working Lands Initiative

Vermont Working Lands Initative Working Landscape Partnership Working Lands Coalition Take a Tour of Vermont’s Working Lands Working Lands in Action VCRD is facilitating a non-partisan and broad-based partnership to support local agriculture and forestry, grow and attract farm and forest entrepreneurs, and conserve Vermont’s Working Landscape far into the future. The Partnership stands together…

Vermont Working Lands

Working Lands Summer 2022 Update

The recently concluded Legislative Session was a busy one, resulting in major investments in housing, broadband, and many other areas. Thanks to the leadership of the Governor and Legislature, the base funding appropriation for working lands was nearly doubled to $1 million annually this year. These funds help support new jobs and investments in our…