The Network supports members with online workshops on community development initiatives, skills training, and the sharing of best practices and inspiring success stories. See below for upcoming opportunities for connection, peer networking, and workshops on critical topics. If there are other topics or convening opportunities you would like to see added to this list, please reach out to [email protected] to share your ideas.


Civic Health Index of Vermont: Report Overview and Discussion

January 2025 date TBD | 10-11:30 AM | Virtual

This year, Vermont joins the ranks of over 35 states that have already completed a state Civic Health Index – a report on indicators related to voting habits, civic participation, and engagement with government. The final report will identify strengths and priorities for improvement in Vermont’s civic health. The Secretary of State’s Office will use it as a roadmap for increasing civic education and engagement across Vermont. Civic health, as the National Conference on Citizenship explains, is about “the way that communities are organized to define and address public problems. Communities with strong indicators of civic health have higher employment rates, stronger schools, better physical health, and more responsive governments.”

Free registration coming soon.