Over 200 residents came together to think about the impacts of the closing of Green Mountain College on their community and the actions community members could take to advance community and economic development projects that could improve the prospects ahead.

Five key directions have been established and task force groups have been formed to:

  • Expand trails, biking and outdoor recreation opportunities as an economic driver for Poultney’s future;
  • Develop a Poultney co-working space and incubator for new start-up businesses, and invite newcomers to the town;
  • Develop a Bank;
  • Improve Broadband Infrastructure; and
  • Boost Poultney Downtown

Read the Poultney Comes Together Report and Action Plan that overviews the process and shares the initial workplan built by the community.

As of January 2020, the Town of Poultney put together a report that shares the progress of the task forces groups to date. Click here to read their Update and Implementation Plan.